Monday, July 16, 2012

A friend posted this to my Facebook not too long ago (click to enlarge):

I grew up on Calvin & Hobbes, Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics; my dad has practically the whole collection of Calvin & Hobbes as well as two vintage hardcover collections of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge, and my sister and I share a collection of paperback comics.  I think Calvin & Hobbes might have influenced my personality/outlook on life quite a bit.  As for Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck, well, when I was little, they were all about adventure.  As an adult with a B.A. in anthropology, they are very entertaining examples of ethnocentrism, even racism--it's really interesting to read through them now, especially the older ones.  For starters, whenever they traveled into a magical or foreign kingdom, the way the artists drew the indigenous peoples was...less than flattering shall we say; and of course, women seldom played any role in them at all--Daisy only rarely made an appearance, and the woman I remember most is Magica De Spell, one of Scrooge McDuck's arch-nemeses...

Anyway, not art-related at all...I know.  At the moment, I update my Twitter more often, so follow me!